Monday, February 22, 2021

1490 AD to 1930 AD: Timeline Post Eleven

1558 to 1603 AD: The plantation of Ireland began under the reign of Elizabeth I of England. Sounds sweeter than it was.
~ to 1601 AD: In the reign of Elizabeth I, a system of counties was adopted.

1561 AD: In Nuremberg, Germany a celestial event appeared as strong, easily seen markings on the Sun.
~ Some ball like markings seem to fall from the Sun to the Earth where fires were so caused.

1566 AD: In Basel, S a  celestial event included easily seen, remarkable markings on the Sun.

1570 AD: By this time Spanish Americans were settling in the Argentinian pampa.

1592 AD: In China about this time Tu Lung wrote Ch'aching a treatise on tea and the appreciation of it.

1595 AD: In Ireland, the failed uprising of Hugh O'Neil.

1649 AD: Cromwell in invaded Ireland.
1651 AD: Publication of Leviathan by Thomas Hobbs

1653 AD: Under the Act of Settlement, James the II flees to Ireland where he is defeated at the Battle of the Boyn.
1657 AD: Foundation of the Accademia del Cimentoin Florence, whose meetings lasted to 1667.

1660 AD: Restoration of the English Monarchy.
1661 AD: Charles I (d. 1685) crowned King of England

1689 AD: Anti Catholic penal laws introduced to Ireland by English.
~ Catholics remain holding 14% of the land in Ireland.
~ to 1690 AD: Deposed James II fled to Ireland and was defeated at the Battle of the Boyne.
1704 AD: Penal code enacted barring Irish Catholics from, voting, education, and military.
1710 AD: Cossack: The constitution of Pylyp Orlyk written by Hetman Pylyp.

1714 AD: Catholics hold 7% of the land in Ireland.

1738 AD: Nancy Ward born Nanye'hi in the Overhill Cherokee capital of Chota.

1740 AD: The forgotten famine in Ireland.

1749 AD: Montesquieu's Spirit of Law's published.

1755 AD: Nancy Ward and her husband fought in the Taliwa war against the Creek. Her husband was killed and she fought on. The Cherokee won. Nancy ward was awarded the position of Warrior Woman which gave here some influence in tribal affairs.

1775 AD: American War of Independence foments Irish Unrest.
~ Ireland: Henry Gratten, becomes leader of "Patriot Party."
~ Daniel O'Connell born at Derrynane, Co Kerry, Ireland. Received early schooling from Parish Priest, then sent to France to receive further instruction at St. Omer and Douni.

1776 AD: American Revolutionary War.
~ Chickamauga War in America.
~ Cherokee War in America.
~ Pennamint- Yankee War in Pennsylvania to 1815?.
~ Sixty years of war in Europe was followed by the Industrial Revolution.

1777 AD: American Revolutionary War continues.
~ Chickamauga Wars in America continue.
~ Second Cherokee War in America.
~ Pennamint-Yankee War in America Continues.

1778 AD: American Revolutionary War continues.
~ Pennaminte-Yankee War continues in America.
~ Chickamuaga Wars in America continue.
~ Battle of Wyoming in Pennsylvania, British and Iroquois won.

1779 AD: American Revolutionary War.
~ Chickamauga Wars in America.
~ Pennamint-Yankee War.

1782 AD: Grattan's parliament persuades British to declare Irish
independence, but in name only.
~ Legislative Independence won from Britain by Irish Parliament.
1790 to 1820 AD: Mauder Minimum.
~ to 1820 AD: Dalton Minimum. 
1791 AD: Events leading up to the Irish Revolution of 1798. 
1795 AD: Foundation of the Orange Order in Ireland.
1798 AD: Wolfe Tone's uprising in Ireland crushed.
~ US Quasi-war with France. 

1799 AD: US Quasi-war with France.

1800 AD: US Quasi-war with France.

1812 AD: The War of 1812 greatly effected the development of Canada.

1816 AD: By the close of the Napoleonic era, the old sea-borne empires had disappeared except for a few island holdings
1817 AD: First Cholera Pandemic. The first or seven over the next 150 years. It seems to have begun in Russia one million people died in Europe. Millions died in India. 150,000 died in North America. 
1830 the great goal of the European commercial powers was coming to be to "open-up" China as a market and as a source of goods and raw materials. 

1849 AD: Texas-Indian wars, Cayuse War, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Skirmish between US 1st Cavalry and Indians.

1850s AD: Legal Irish immigrants to the U.S. numbered about a million. They were not well accepted. Some turned to gangs or crime. Many turned to city politics, labor unions, and the Roman Catholic Church.
~ Tenant Right League formed in Ireland to demand reform to the land law of Ireland. This organization and demand was followed by about 40 years of unrest in Ireland.
~ Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse War, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo wars, Yuma War, California Indian Wars, Pitt River Expedition.

1852 AD: Mary Zgorzelski/Goczewski Was born this year in Litzberg, Poland or Jablon, Germany in what was probably Prussia. She was married in time to Theodore Daniels/Danielewski. She is my mothers maternal grandmother and my maternal great grandmother. (?)
1858 AD: The first plumbers Local was organized in Chicago, but dissolved during the Civil War. Another plumber's Local was organized in 1864, but failed another created in 1873 failed with the economic decline and was revived in 1879. It can take a couple of decades to get organized.

1859 AD: Mago William Sheehan was naturalized as an America citizen.
~ A storm of charged particles from the Sun slammed into Earth's atmosphere. Telegraph wires were shorted out.

1861 AD: The American Civil War began.
1863 AD: "Irish People: newspaper was founded.
~ Vivekananda was born on January 12th in Calcutta and died near Calcutta on July 4th of 1912. His original name was Nareddranath Datta. He was a Hindu spiritual leader and reformer in India. Many of his written works are available in English.
1864 AD: American Civil War.
~ Texas-Indian Wars.
~ Navajo -U.S. Wars.
~ Apache- U.S. wars.
~ California Indian Wars.
~ Cheyenne - U.S. Campaign
~ Colorado Indian-US  war.
~ Snake Indian - US war.
1865 AD: America Civil War.
~ Texas- Indian wars.
~ Navajo -US wars. 
~ Apache- US wars.
~ California -Indian wars.
~ Colorado -Indian war
~ Snake Indian - US war.
~ Utah's Black Hawk Indian war.
~ The American Civil War ended.
~ The editorial board of the "Irish People" was arrested.
~ James Stephens arrested, and escapes from Richmond Jail.

1866 AD: Texas - Indian wars.
~ Navajo - US wars.
~ Apache - US wars.
~ California - Indian wars.
~ Skirmish between 1st US Cavalry and Indians.
~ Snake Indian - US war. 
~ Utah's Black Hawk war.
~ Red Cloud's Indian - US war.
~ Comanche - US wars.
~Franklin County war.
~ US invades Mexico.
~ US conflict with China

1867 AD: Texas - Indian wars.
~U S forced Long Walk of the Navajo.
~ Apache - US wars.
~ Skirmish between US 1st Cavalry and Indians.
~ Snake Indian - US war.
~ Utah's  Black Hawk war.
~ Red Cloud's Indian war with US.
~ Comanche - US wars.
~ Franklin County war.
~ US troops occupy Nicaragua.
~ US troops attack Taiwan.
1868 AD: Stone cutters reorganized and and won the 8 hour day.
1869 AD to 1877 AD: Term: Ulysses S. Grant as US Pres.
1870 AD: The Irish had become the largest foreign born group in California. 
1870s Many Irish soldiers were stationed in the sparsely settled Dakota Territory.
1875 AD to 2020 AD: The U.S. invaded Mexico only 13 ti
1877 AD to 1881 AD: Term: Ruthemes.rford B. Hays as Republican US pres.
1879 AD to 1892 AD: Irish Land War in Ireland.
1880 AD, 1930 AD US Gov changes its thinking about mound culture.
1881 AD The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners was organized on August 8th in the Trades Assembly hall in Chicago.
~ The International brotherhood of Boilermakers was organized in Chicago's Trades Assembly Hall.
~  James A. Garfield Republican US pres assassinated in office.
~ to 1885 AD: Term of Republican president of US, Chester A. Arthur.
1884 AD: On the 26th of August Joseph Carroll Sheehan was born in Des Moines, Iowa, US. He is the first husband of my paternal grandmother and he is my grandfather.
~ The Brick an Clay Workers of America was founded on May 18th.
~ The Ringling Brothers gave their first circus performance in Baraboo, Wisconsin, the US.
~ In October Eleanor Roosevelt was born in the US.
~ Pope Leo the XIII condemned secular Freemasonry.
1885 AD to 1889 AD: Term of the Dem, Grover Cleveland was US pres.
1885 AD: The Ashburne Land Purchase Acts relates to one Canon Shehan. The Same canon Sheehan also wrote his name Sheehan. He wrote Free Thought in America which was published in the Ecclesiastical Record. I remembered more at one time.
1885 AD: The Ashburne Land Purchase Acts relates to one Canon Shehan. The Same canon Sheehan also wrote his name Sheehan. He wrote Free Thought in America which was published in the Ecclesiastical Record. I remembered more at one time.
1886 AD: First Home Rule Bill in Ireland.

1868 AD: Texas Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Snake Indian War, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Battle of Washita River, Franklin County War.

1869 AD: Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk Wars, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War. 

1870 AD: Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk Wars, Comanche Wars, Franklin county War,

1871 AD: Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War, Kingsley Cave Massacre, U.S. forces invade Korea.




1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico. 

 1888 AD: US forces invade Mexico.
~ US shows force against Haiti.

1889 AD to 1893 AD: Term of Benjamin Harrison as US Republican pres.
1889 AD: U.S. forces invade Mexico.
1890 AD: US v Sioux Indian war 
~ Skirmish between US 1st Cavalry and US Indians.
~ US Indian Ghost Dance "war."
~ US Wounded Knee  battle.
~ US forces invade Mexico. 

1893 AD: Nettie Daniels my maternal grand mother was born this year.
and became one of the better influences on my early life.
~Warren Well, near Yucca Valley was out of commission for about a month after a series of severe earthquakes.
~ On November of this year the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers was established.

1897 AD: The U.S. did not war in '97.

1899 AD to 1934 AD: The U.S. engaged in Banana Wars, but did busy themselves with a few others.
~ to 1917 AD: The life span of Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulanov).
He learned much from Marx, but seems to have rejected the "people's democracy of Marx."

1900 AD: English and French agreed on Siamese independence.
~ William James published Pragmatism.
~ Baden-Powell founded Boy scout movement.
~ The first daily newspaper comic is run on the San Francisco Chronicle as "Mr Mutt." It later became "Mutt and Jeff."

1902 AD, US: Glove Workers Union founded.

1907 AD: My paternal grandparents marry on January 16th. Joseph Carroll Sheehan took Josephine Sophia Helwick to wife. My father, Carroll Joseph Sheehan, was the first of the four children of that that union. Joseph Carroll was the son of M.(Mago) William Sheehan and Mary J. Carroll.
~ The English and French nations agreed on Siamese independence.
~ William James' Pragmatism was published.
~ Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scout movement.
~ The first daily comic strip "Mr. Mutt" was run in the San Francisco Chronicle and latter became "Mutt and Jeff."

1914 to 1918 AD: The world was having WWI; as in WWII, Russia was our Allie.
~ to 2008 AD: Modern ax.

1915 AD: The union organizer Joe Hill was hanged in Salt Lake City. Do you know the song? We still sing of Joe from time to time.
~ U.S. Banana Wars.
~ U.S. invades Mexico.
~ U.S. Colorado Paiute war.
~ On August 7th of this year my mother Dorothy Cecilia Sheehan was born in the city of Detroit of Wayne County, Michigan. She died on October 19th of 1999. She came close to ending the Millennium. She was the daughter of Richard Johnson and Nettie Lucille Anastasia Danielewski/Daniels. 
~ The union organizer, Joe Hill was hanged in Salt Lake City. Do you know the song. We still sing of Mr. Hill from time to time.

1916 AD to 1934 AD: US Banana wars mostly in Central America
~ U.S. continues the invasion of Mexico.
~ Banana Wars by U.S. continue until 1934.
 ~ 1917 AD: U.S. continued invasion of Mexico to 1919.
~ Ireland: May 3rd, 12 executions lead to Easter Rising in Dublin. After leaders are executed, public opinion backs independence.


1917 AD This year there was a large race riot in Houston, Texas, sparked by the Houston police against black civilians, soldiers, and officers. There was fighting between black military of Camp Logan and Houston police. Let's check out the results.
~ Seining of mullet became a profitable industry in the Salton Sea of California, USA during WWI. Mullet Island at the south end of the Sea and nearby mud pots became popular tourist attractions.
~ On June 26th of this year I.W.W. strike called at copper mines in Bisbee, Arizona. Strikers were deported by sheriff Wheeler.

1921 AD: In Russia the New Economic Policy was proposed by Lenin to prevent the Russian economy from collapsing. The new policy required the farmers to pay a specific amount of raw agricultural goods as a tax in kind. Under the NEP the state controlled the banks, foreign trade, and large industries, while allowing some private ventures, which permitted small businesses and shops to re-open.
1922 AD to 1991 AD: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia. Initially as a union of four Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR grew to contain 15 constituent or union republics by 1956.
~ the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic became one of the founding republics of the Soviet Union. 
~ Irish Civil War started between Free state army and the IRA.

1923 AD: the Republican, Warren G. Harding was U.S. president.
~ End of Civil War in Ireland.
~ to 1929 AD the Republican Calvin Coolidge was US pres.

1925 AD to 1926 AD: Kit Carson traveled in California and Arizona, USA.

1926 AD: De Valera founded Fianna Fail in Ireland.

1927 AD: General elections in Ireland.
~ De Valera and Fianna Fail enter Dail in Ireland.

1929 AD: On March 4th Herbert Clark Hoover was inaugurated as president of the USA. He announces that "government should assist and encourage these movements of collective self-help."
~ to 1933 AD the Republican Herbert C. Hoover was US pres.

1930 AD: People in general began to see National Parks in the US as important and worth protecting.
~ January 9th Stalin announces that all farms in the Soviet Union must be collective by 1932.
~ January 17th President Hoover of the U.S. signs the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act raising U.S. tariffs t a historic high and triggering an international tariff 'war."