Friday, April 30, 2021

1490 AD to 1534 AD

1490 AD to 1534 AD:  History timeline including: England, Spain, plague, South America, peace, Ireland, comets, and more each month.

1491 AD to 1556 AD: Life of St. Ignatius Loyola.

1492 AD to 1506 AD: Voyages of Christopher Columbus. It seems that Columbus made 8 voyages to the New World from 1492 to 1504. Who can tell us what Chris was doing in 1505 Voyages? Where to? With whom?
~ to 1496 AD: Jews were expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many immigrated to the "Holy Land."
1492 AD: Intensification of the Spanish Inquisition.
~ Johann Reuchlin. German humanist. began to study Hebrew.
~ to 1496 AD: Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many immigrated to the Holy Land, others went to Turkey.
~ 1506 AD: Voyages to the "New World" of Christopher Columbus.
1492 AD: Intensification of the Spanish Inquisition.
~ Johann Reuchlin. German humanist. began to study Hebrew.
~ to 1496 AD: Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many immigrated to the Holy Land, others went to Turkey.
~ 1506 AD: Voyages to the "New World" of Christopher Columbus.
~1492 AD: Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
~ The Spanish arrived in the Caribbean bringing smallpox, measles, and bubonic plague to the indigenous peoples, killing 90% of the indigenous population of North and south America. So much death may have caused  significant  changes in atmospheric co2 levels.
~ Intensification of the Spanish Inquisition.
~ Johann Reuchlin, German humanist, began to study Hebrew.
~ to 1496 AD: Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many immigrated to the "Holy Land," others went to Turkey, others began to investigate the "New World."
~ to 1506 AD: Voyages to the "New World" by Christopher Columbus.
 1492 AD to 1506 AD: Voyages of Christopher Columbus.
~ to 1496 AD: Jews were expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many immigrated to the "Holy Land"

1493 AD: The first Bundschuh, a peasant revolt in Alsace and southwest Germany. Perhaps better called the first manifestation of a movement lasting until 1517 and perhaps until 1525. One might say that the Reformation clarified questions of human rights.
Nuremberg Chronicle, published.

1494 AD Henry the VII of England sends Edward Poynings to Ireland to end support for Perkins Warbeck. Poynings laws make Ireland dependent on England
~ Henry the VII of England sends Edward Poynings to end support for Perkins Warbeck. Poynings Laws make Ireland dependent on England. 
~ Treaty of Tordesillas.

1495 AD: Sir William Stanley, Lord Chamberlain of Henry the VII, executed for complicity in Warbeck's conspiracy. 
~ The Imperial Diet open at Worms, proclaims Perpetual Peace, sets up an Imperial Chamber and Court of appeal, imposes common penny as general tax.

1496 AD: Line of "the Pale" at Clongowes. This was a small enclave around 

1491 AD: to 1556 AD: Life of Saint Ignatius Loyola.
91 AD to 1556: The lifespan of St. Ignatius Loyola.
1492 AD to 1506 AD: Voyages of Christopher Columbus.
~ to 1496 AD: Jews were expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many immigrated to the "Holy Land."
1492 AD: Intensification of the Spanish Inquisition.
~ Johann Reuchlin. German humanist. began to study Hebrew.
~ to 1496 AD: Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many immigrated to the Holy Land, others went to Turkey.
~ 1506 AD: Voyages to the "New World" of Christopher Columbus.
1492 AD: Intensification of the Spanish Inquisition.
~ Johann Reuchlin. German humanist. began to study Hebrew.
~ to 1496 AD: Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many immigrated to the Holy Land, others went to Turkey.
~ 1506 AD: Voyages to the "New World" of Christopher Columbus.
~1492 AD: Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
~ The Spanish arrived in the Caribbean bring smallpox, measles, and bubonic plague to the indigenous peoples, killing 90% of the indigenous population of North and south America. So much death may have caused  significant  changes in atmospheric co2 levels.
~ Intensification of the Spanish Inquisition.
~ Johann Reuchlin, German humanist, began to study Hebrew.
~ to 1496 AD: Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many immigrated to the "Holy Land," others went to Turkey, others began to investigate the "New World."
~ to 1506 AD: Voyages to the "New World" by Christopher Columbus.

1492 AD: Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
~ The Spanish arrived in the Caribbean bring smallpox, measles, and bubonic plague to the indigenous peoples, killing 90% of the indigenous population of North and south America. So much death may have caused  significant  changes in atmospheric co2 levels.
~ Intensification of the Spanish Inquisition.
~ Johann Reuchlin, German humanist, began to study Hebrew.
~ to 1496 AD: Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal. Many immigrated to the "Holy Land," others went to Turkey, others began to investigate the "New World."
~ to 1506 AD: Voyages to the "New World" by Christopher Columbus.
1493 AD: The first Bundschuh, a peasant revolt in Alsace and southwest Germany. Perhaps better called the first manifestation of a movement lasting until 1517 and perhaps until 1525. One might say that the Reformation clarified questions of human rights.
Nuremberg Chronicle, published.

1494 AD Henry the VII of England sends Edward Poynings to Ireland to end support for Perkins Warbeck. Poynings laws make Ireland dependent on England.
~ Treaty of Tordesillas. European division of New World.

1494 AD: Henry the VII of England sends Edward Poynings to end support for Perkins Warbeck. Poynings Laws make Ireland dependent on England. 

Treaty of Tordesillas.

1495 AD: Sir William Stanley, Lord Chamberlain of Henry the VII, executed for complicity in Warbeck's conspiracy. 
~ The Imperial Diet open at Worms, proclaims Perpetual Peace, sets up an Imperial Chamber and Court of appeal, imposes common penny as general tax.

1494 AD Henry the VII of England sends Edward Poynings to Ireland to end support for Perkins Warbeck. Poynings laws make Ireland dependent on England.
~ Treaty of Tordesillas. European division of New World.

1495 AD: Sir William Stanley, Lord Chamberlain of Henry the VII, executed for complicity in Warbeck's conspiracy. 
~ The Imperial Diet open at Worms, proclaims Perpetual Peace, sets up an Imperial Chamber and Court of appeal, imposes common penny as general tax.

1496 AD: Line of "the Pale" at Clongowes. This was a small enclave 

1494 AD Henry the VII of England sends Edward Poynings to Ireland to end support for Perkins Warbeck. Poynings laws make Ireland dependent on England.
~ Treaty of Tordesillas. European division of Ne

1495 AD: Sir William Stanley, Lord Chamberlain of Henry the VII, executed for complicity in Warbeck's conspiracy. 
~ The Imperial Diet open at Worms, proclaims Perpetual Peace, sets up an Imperial Chamber and Court of appeal, imposes common penny as general tax.

1496 AD: Line of "the Pale" at Clongowes. This was a small enclave around Dublin, which became the area of English rule.

 1496 AD: Ireland: Line of "the Pale" at Clongowes. This was a small enclave around Dublin which became the area of English rule.

1497 AD: John Cabot discovered the the Eastern coast of  North America.

1499 AD: comets noted because they were notable.

1,500 AD: Pedro Alvares Cabral, an explore ostensible on his way to India, lands in Brazil and claims it for the Portuguese crown.
~ US: Lake Cahuilla, Salton Sea, Large inflow of water from the Colorado River fill the lake to a body of water 26 times the volume of the current(2,000 AD) Salton Sea.
~ Physician Paracelsus compounded tincture of opium for medical use.
~ US: End of the "last stand" of Lake Cahuilla.

1501 AD t0 1526 AD, Morocco: Rule of the Portuguese, Mohammed. 

1503 AD: Christopher Columbus discovered the Cayman Islands and named them Las Tortugas.

1504 AD: Michelangelo's sculpture of David completed.

1506 AD: Life of Saint Francis Xavier. Born in a Castile in Navarre, spain. A i8 at collage in Paris he met Ignatius Loyola and joined his new order, the Society of Jesus. He subsequently went to the the Eat Indies as a missionary.

1507 AD: accession of Henry VIII.

1508 AD: Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. 

1510 AD to 1572 AD: Life of St. Francis of Borgia. Born to an imperial family, the great grandson of Pope Alexander VI and         King Ferdinand of Aragon. Was the Marquis of Lombardy and duke of Gandris. Became Superior General of the order of Jesus. Sometimes called the 2nd founder.

1511 AD, Mexico: End of the Toltec empire.

1513 AD: Balboa sighted the Pacific Ocean.

1515 AD: Anarchy in Ireland.
~ Juan Ponce de Leon landed on the Florida peninsula.
~ to 1582 AD: Life of Saint Teresa of Avila.

1517 AD to 1560 AD: Martin Luther begins the Protestant Reformation at Wittenberg, Germany. Reformation Movement flourishes.

1519 AD to 1521 AD: Magellan's crew sailed around the world.
~ Mexico: Cortez invaded Aztecs.
~ Mexico: Hernando Cortez sized center of the land from Aztec emperor Montezuma.

1520 AD: Narvaez surrendered to Cortez at Cempoalla in Vera Cruz. Legend says that Narvaez mistook lights from Aicujo(?)kettles(?) for musket matches.
~ Mexico:Montezuma killed.

1521 AD: The first voyage around the world by Magellan (How many others had that first voyage.

1524 AD: Verrazano sailed the Atlantic coast of much of North America.

1526 AD: Spaniards arrived in Zuni villages.

1529 AD to 1936 AD: Henry VIII made his great breach with Rome, and set himself up as head of the Church in England.
1530 AD, Russia: Life span of Ivan the Terrible.

1531 AD: Pizarro marched on the Incas.
~ England: King Henry VIII was recognized as the Supreme Head of the Church of England.

1532 AD: Machiavelli's The Prince is published.
~ Brazil: Under the leadership of Martin Alfonso de Souza, settlers founded Brazil's first permanent colony, Sao Vicente, nnear Santos. Sugar cane became a basis of Brazil's early economy.

1533 AD to 1592 AD, France: Montaigne, Michel de; French essayist and moralist.
~ Mexico: Discovery of Baja California.

1534 AD: Ireland: Kildare rebellion.
~ 1540 AD: Ireland: There was a failed insurrection by Lord Offaly (O'faly).
~ Church of england is established.
~ St. Ignatius Loyola founded the Jesuit Order.
~ George Hohermuth, Nicolaus Federman, and Philip Von Hutten search for gold and crosse the Colombian and Venezuela llan0s. I believe that Federman was born in 1505  and died in 1542.
~ to 1540 AD, Ireland: A failed insurrection by  Lord Offaly.
~ The Anabaptists form a communist state 'under' John Leiden


 1541 AD: Henry the VII of England was proclaimed king (rather than Feudal lord) of Ireland.