Friday, April 30, 2021

1622 AD to 1666 AD

 1622 AD to 1666 AD: History timeline


1622 AD: to 1673 AD, France: Moliere (Jean Batiste Poquelin), French Playwright.

1623 AD to 1662 AD, France: Pascal, Blaise, French mathematician and Philosopher.

1626 AD: North America: Manhattan island  "purchased" from Indians.
~ American Indians: Native Americans sell Manhattan Island for $24.00 worth of buttons and cloth(?).
~ North America: Dutch founded New Amsterdam, which later became New York.
1627 AD: The Golden Horn and the Bosporus froze, strongly affecting commerce, communication, and travel.

1630 AD to 1652 AD, India: Taj Mahal built in Agra.
~ to 1,700 AD, USA: Flooding and lake in area of Salton Sea, California.
 1632 AD to 1638 AD: Compilation of the Annals of the Four Masters in Ireland.

1633 AD to 1695 AD, Brazil: Escaped Negro slaves form the Confederacy of Palmares in the forests of Pernambuco. Ruled by its own king, the kingdom swelled to about 20,000 members and is destroyed by Portuguese armed forces.

1634 AD: French explorer Jean Nicolet lead an expedition ashore near what is now Green Bay, wisconsin.

1635 AD, North America: In August an enormous hurricane passed close to New England.
~ (?) Spanish missionaries arrived near present day Del Rio (?) Texas on St. Phillips Day and named the area San Felipe del Rio. the name survived until 1883.

1637 AD to 1674 AD: Is the probable life span of the Englishman Robert Fludd. He probably used the pen-name Robertus Fluctus. The work, "Philosophia Moysaica" published after his death was probably his.1574 to 1637.
~ Galileo published a  dialog Concerning Two Word Systems(?)

1638 AD to 1686 AD, Nicholas Steno: Did he read Arabic? He pronounced  principles underlying geologic time scales. He argued that rock layers were laid down in succession, and that each layer represented a slice of time. He also proclaimed the law of superposition, which states that any give stratum is probably older than those above it and younger than those below it. Our geology follows his conceptions. 
1641 AD to 1653 AD: The Irish Eleven Year War, called the Confederate Wars by some and a rebellion by some English, occurred during this time. Its cause may have included lack of self governance in Ireland and a sharp Irish awareness of that lack provoked by English fear and greed.
~ Ireland: The policies of Charles I caused Insurrection in Ulster and civil war in England.
~ Japan: Only Dutch retained a trading post on an island in Nagasaki harbour. Japan is virtually cut off from the world until 1854!
~ Ireland: Revolt of Irish Catholics -- 30,000 Protestants massacred.

1642 AD, Ireland: Confederation of Kilkenny met.
~ to 1650 AD, England: English Civil War.

1643 AD: China: Fall of China's Ming Dynasty.

1644 AD: "Areopagitica" for the freedom of the press by John Milton.

1645 AD, England: Ashmole founded the Invisible College in London.

1647 AD: Alliance between lords of Pale and native Irishmen came to an end.

1648 AD, Boston: Shoemakers formed first workers guild!

1649 AD: Cromwell invaded Ireland.
~ Ireland: English soldier and statesman, Oliver Cromwell landed in Ireland at Dublin. His troops killed 2,000 men. a great part of lands in Munster, Lwinster, and Ulster(Drogheda and Wexford) was confiscated and divided among English Soldiers.

1650 AD to 1715 AD: Maunder Minimum, a period of extremely low solar activity.`
~ Catholic landowners exiled to Connaught.

1651 AD: Publication of Leviathan by Thomas Hobbs.

1652 AD: In the English colonies of the future US the "Pine Tree" shilling was minted.

1653 AD: Under the  act of Settlement, James II fled to Ireland where he was defeated at the Battle of the Boyn. Under the Act of Settlement, Cromwell's opponents are stripped of their land.
~ Large earthquake

1656 AD: Over 60,000 Irish Catholics had ben sent as slaves to Barbados and other islands in the Caribbean.

1657 AD: In Florence: Some students of Galileo founded the Accademia del Cimento (Cimentoin), an Academy of experiment focused on physics and astronomy where the Galileo thermometer was invented. The meetings of Cimentoin lasted until 1667.

1658 AD, Ireland: The population of Ireland, estimated at 1,500,000, before Cromwell, was reduced by 2/3, to 500,000 !?!. at Cromwell's death i1658.

1660 AD: Restoration of the English Monarchy.
~ England: Accession of Charles II.

1661 AD: Charles I (d. 1665) crowned king of England.
~ to 1668 AD The Duke of Ormond ruled Ireland as Viceroy.
~ England: Robert Boyle defined chemical elements.

1662 AD, Colombia: A great comet was witnessed in Cartagena and much of the world and has been called a ''luminary event" so was probably very bright.

1663 AD, North America: The Hudson River valley was shaken by an earthquake followed river flooding. This was followed by a smallpox epidemic and then by an ''Indian massacre at Esopres." The flooding of the Hudson just above New Amsterdam was called an overflow.

1665 AD: The Great Plague of London. The Bubonic Plague lead to the death of 20% of the population of London.`Fleas on rats?
~ England:  Issac Newton revealed the law of gravity.

1666 AD: The  great fire of London.
